Responses are in pct, this is 2019 data pre Covid
North Macedonia
d2 How would you characterise your enterprise?
d2a. In which country is the parent company of your enterprise located?
d1. How many people does your enterprise currently employ either full or part time in at all its locations?
d3 What is the main activity of your enterprise?
d6 Who owns the largest stake in your enterprise?
d4 What was the annual turnover of your enterprise in 2019?
d7 What percentage of your company?s total turnover in 2019 is accounted for by exports of goods and services?
d5 In which year was your enterprise first registered? (recoded to age of the enterprise)
q0 What is currently the most important problem your firm is facing?
q2a. Have the following company indicators decreased, remained unchanged or increased over the past 6 months? Turnover
q2b. Have the following company indicators decreased, remained unchanged or increased over the past 6 months? Labour cost (including social contributions)
q2c. Have the following company indicators decreased, remained unchanged or increased over the past 6 months? Other cost (materials, energy, other)
q2d. Have the following company indicators decreased, remained unchanged or increased over the past 6 months? Interest expenses (what your company pays in interest for its debt)
q2e. Have the following company indicators decreased, remained unchanged or increased over the past 6 months? Profit (net income after taxes)
q2g. Have the following company indicators decreased, remained unchanged or increased over the past 6 months? Fixed investment (investment in property, plant, machinery or equipment)
q2h. Have the following company indicators decreased, remained unchanged or increased over the past 6 months? Inventories and other working capital
q2i. Have the following company indicators decreased, remained unchanged or increased over the past 6 months? Number of employees
q2j. Have the following company indicators decreased, remained unchanged or increased over the past 6 months? Debt compared to assets
q4a. Retained earnings or sale of assets (Internal funds) - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4b. Grants or subsidised bank loan - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4c. Credit line, bank overdraft or credit cards overdraft - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4d. Bank loan (excluding subsidised bank loans, overdrafts and credit lines) - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4e. Trade credit - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4f. Other loan - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4h. Debt securities - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4j. Equity capital - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4m. Leasing or hire-purchase - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4r. Factoring - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4p. Other sources of financing - Are the following sources of financing relevant to your firm, that is, have you used them in the past or considered using them in the future?
q4a2. Retained earnings or sale of assets (Internal funds) - Have you obtained such sources of financing in the past 6 months?
q4b2. Grants or subsidised bank loan - Have you obtained new financing of this type in the past 6 months?
q4c2. Credit line, bank overdraft or credit cards overdraft - Have you drawn on such type of credit in the past 6 months?
q4d2. Bank loan - Have you taken out a new loan or renewed such a loan in the past 6 months?
q4e2. Trade credit - Have you obtained trade credit from your business partners in the past 6 months?
q4f2. Other loan - Have you taken out or renewed such a loan in the past 6 months?
q4h2. Debt securities - Have you issued any debt in the past 6 months?
q4j2. Equity capital - Have you issued equity in the past 6 months?
q4m2. Leasing or hire-purchase - Have you obtained new financing of this type in the past six months
q4r2. Factoring - Have you used factoring in the past six months
q4p2. Other sources of financing - Have you obtained such source of financing in the past six months
q32. You mentioned that bank loans are not relevant for your enterprise. What is the most important reason for this?
q5a. Bank loans (excluding overdraft and credit lines) - For each of the following types of external financing, please indicate if your needs increased, remained unchanged or decreased over the past 6 months?
q5b. Trade credit- For each of the following types of external financing, please indicate if your needs increased, remained unchanged or decreased over the past 6 months?
q5c. Equity - For each of the following types of external financing, please indicate if your needs increased, remained unchanged or decreased over the past 6 months?
q5d. Debt securities issued - For each of the following types of external financing, please indicate if your needs increased, remained unchanged or decreased over the past 6 months?
q5f. Credit line, bank overdraft or credit cards overdraft - For each of the following types of external financing, please indicate if your needs increased, remained unchanged or decreased over the past 6 months?
q5g. Leasing or hire-purchase - For each of the following types of external financing, please indicate if your needs increased, remained unchanged or decreased over the past 6 months?
q5h. Other loan, for example from family and friends, a related enterprise or shareholders, excluding trade credit - For each of the following types of external financing, please indicate if your needs increased, remained unchanged or decreased over the past 6 months?
Q7aa. Bank loan (excluding overdraft and credit lines) - Have you applied for the following types of financing in the past 6 months?
q7ab. Trade credit - Have you applied for the following types of financing in the past 6 months?
q7ac. Other external financing - Have you applied for the following types of financing in the past 6 months?
q7ad. Credit line, bank overdraft or credit cards overdraft - Have you applied for the following types of financing in the past 6 months?
Q7ba. Bank loan (excluding overdraft and credit lines) - If you applied and tried to negotiate for this type of financing over the past 6 months, what was the outcome?
q7bb. Trade credit - If you applied and tried to negotiate for this type of financing over the past 6 months, did you: receive all the financing you requested; receive only part of the financing you requested; refuse to proceed because of unacceptable costs or terms and conditions; or have you not received anything at all?
q7bc. Other external financing - If you applied and tried to negotiate for this type of financing over the past 6 months, what was the outcome?
q7bd. Credit line, bank overdraft or credit cards overdraft - If you applied and tried to negotiate for this type of financing over the past 6 months, what was the outcome?
q8a. What is the size of the last bank loan that your enterprise obtained/renegotiated/attempted to obtain in the past 6 months?
q6a1. Investments in property, plant or equipment (fixed investment) - For what purpose was external financing used by your enterprise during the past 6 months?
q6a2. Inventory and other working capital - For what purpose was external financing used by your enterprise during the past 6 months?
q6a3. Hiring and training of employees- For what purpose was external financing used by your enterprise during the past 6 months?
q6a4. Developing and launching of new products or services - For what purpose was external financing used by your enterprise during the past 6 months?
q6a5. Refinancing or paying off obligations - For what purpose was external financing used by your enterprise during the past 6 months?
q6a6. Other - For what purpose was external financing used by your enterprise during the past 6 months?
q11a. General economic outlook, insofar as it affects the availability of external financing - For each of the following factors, would you say that they have improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated over the past 6 months?
q11b. Access to public financial support, including guarantees - For each of the following factors, would you say that they have improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated over the past 6 months?
q11c. Your enterprise-specific outlook with respect to your sales and profitability or business plan - For each of the following factors, would you say that they have improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated over the past 6 months?
q11d. Your enterprise?s own capital - For each of the following factors, would you say that they have improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated over the past 6 months?
q11e. Your enterprise?s credit history - For each of the following factors, would you say that they have improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated over the past 6 months?
q11f. Willingness of banks to provide credit to your enterprise - For each of the following factors, would you say that they have improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated over the past 6 months?
q11g. Willingness of business partners to provide trade credit - For each of the following factors, would you say that they have improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated over the past 6 months?
q11h. Willingness of investors to invest in your enterprise - For each of the following factors, would you say that they have improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated over the past 6 months?
q9a. Bank loans (excluding overdraft and credit lines) - For each of the following types of financing, would you say that their availability has improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated for your enterprise over the past 6 months?
q9b. Trade credit - For each of the following types of financing, would you say that their availability has improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated for your enterprise over the past 6 months?
q9c. Equity capital - For each of the following types of financing, would you say that their availability has improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated for your enterprise over the past 6 months?
q9d. Debt securities issued - For each of the following types of financing, would you say that their availability has improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated for your enterprise over the past 6 months?
q9f. Credit line, bank overdraft or credit cards overdraft - For each of the following types of financing, would you say that their availability has improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated for your enterprise over the past 6 months?
q9g. Leasing or hire-purchase - For each of the following types of financing, would you say that their availability has improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated for your enterprise over the past 6 months?
Q9h. Other loan - For each of the following types of financing, would you say that their availability has improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated for your enterprise over the past 6 months?
q10a. Level of interest rates - We will turn now to the terms and conditions of bank financing, such as bank loans, overdrafts and credit lines. Please indicate whether the following items increased, remained unchanged or decreased in the past 6 months?
q10b. Level of the cost of financing other than interest rates, such as charges, fees, commissions -We will turn now to the terms and conditions of bank financing, such as bank loans, overdrafts and credit lines. Please indicate whether the following items increased, remained unchanged or decreased in the past 6 months?
q10c. Available size of loan or credit line - We will turn now to the terms and conditions of bank financing, such as bank loans, overdrafts and credit lines. Please indicate whether the following items increased, remained unchanged or decreased in the past 6 months?
q10d. Available maturity of the loan - We will turn now to the terms and conditions of bank financing, such as bank loans, overdrafts and credit lines. Please indicate whether the following items increased, remained unchanged or decreased in the past 6 months?
q10e. Collateral requirements - We will turn now to the terms and conditions of bank financing, such as bank loans, overdrafts and credit lines. Please indicate whether the following items increased, remained unchanged or decreased in the past 6 months?
q10f. Other, for example, required guarantees, information requirements, procedures, time required for loan approval, loan covenants - We will turn now to the terms and conditions of bank financing, such as bank loans, overdrafts and credit lines. Please indicate whether the following items increased, remained unchanged or decreased in the past 6 months?
q23a. Retained earnings or sale of assets (Internal funds) - Looking ahead, for each of the following types of financing available to your enterprise, could you please indicate whether you think their availability will improve, deteriorate or remain unchanged over the next 6 months?
q23b. Bank loans (excluding overdraft and credit lines) - Looking ahead, for each of the following types of financing available to your enterprise, could you please indicate whether you think their availability will improve, deteriorate or remain unchanged over the next 6 months?
q23c. Equity capital - Looking ahead, for each of the following types of financing available to your enterprise, could you please indicate whether you think their availability will improve, deteriorate or remain unchanged over the next 6 months?
q23d. Trade credit - Looking ahead, for each of the following types of financing available to your enterprise, could you please indicate whether you think their availability will improve, deteriorate or remain unchanged over the next 6 months?
q23e. Debt securities issued - Looking ahead, for each of the following types of financing available to your enterprise, could you please indicate whether you think their availability will improve, deteriorate or remain unchanged over the next 6 months?
q23i. Leasing or hire-purchase - Looking ahead, for each of the following types of financing available to your enterprise, could you please indicate whether you think their availability will improve, deteriorate or remain unchanged over the next 6 months?
q23j. Other loan, for example from family and friends, a related enterprise or shareholders, excluding trade credit - Looking ahead, for each of the following types of financing available to your enterprise, could you please indicate whether you think their availability will improve, deteriorate or remain unchanged over the next 6 months?
q23g. Credit line, bank overdraft or credit cards overdraft - Looking ahead, for each of the following types of financing available to your enterprise, could you please indicate whether you think their availability will improve, deteriorate or remain unchanged over the next 6 months?
q1a During the past 12 months have you introduced...? a new or significantly improved product or service to the market
q1b During the past 12 months have you introduced...? a new or significantly improved production process or method
q1c During the past 12 months have you introduced...? a new organisation of management
q1d During the past 12 months have you introduced...? a new way of selling your goods or services
q16a. Over the past three years (2017-2019), how much did your enterprise grow on average per year in terms of employment regarding the number of full-time or full-time equivalent employees?
q16b. Over the past three years (2017-2019), how much did your enterprise grow on average per year in terms of turnover?
q17 Considering the turnover over the next two to three years (2020-2022), how much does your enterprise expect to grow per year?
q19a. Do you feel confident talking about financing with banks and that you will obtain the desired results?
q19b. Do you feel confident talking about financing with equity investors/venture capital enterprises and that you will obtain the desired results?
q20 If you need external financing to realise your growth ambitions, what type of external financing would you prefer most?
q21 If you need external financing to realise your growth ambitions, what amount of financing would you aim to obtain?
q22 What do you see as the most important limiting factor to get this financing?
QA1a1.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to a country in Europe? Euro area
QA1a2.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to a country in Europe? Rest of European Union
QA1a3.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to a country in Europe? European countries outside the European Union including Russia
QA1a10.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to a country in Europe? The United Kingdom
QA1b.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to markets outside of Europe?
QA1c4.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to markets outside of Europe? North America (The United States or Canada)
QA1c5.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to markets outside of Europe? Latin America and the Caribbean
QA1c6.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to markets outside of Europe? China
QA1c7.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to markets outside of Europe? Rest of Asia and the Pacific
QA1c8.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to markets outside of Europe? Middle East and North Africa
QA1c9.To which markets did your company export goods or services in 2019? Did you export to markets outside of Europe? Rest of Africa
QA2. Has your company experienced problems due to late payments from any private or public entities in the past six months?
QA3 1. What were the consequences of those late payments? It affected payments to suppliers
QA3 2. What were the consequences of those late payments? It affected investments or new recruitment
QA3 3. What were the consequences of those late payments? It delayed repayments of loans or we had to use additional financing
QA3 4. What were the consequences of those late payments? It affected production or operations
Q26. Looking ahead, please indicate whether you think your company?s turnover will increase, decrease or remain unchanged over the next six months.
high--growth enterprises
exporter or non-exporter