List of media mentions and anounces
US Debt limit deal and some dollar weakness affect risk appetite positively, Oganisian sais. Oganisian says he likes oil stocks Milincoln says free float of foreigners on the Russian market increased in 2020 According to EPFR and Midlincoln data GEM funds lose 4bn$ to virus contagion According to Ovanes Oganisian, in the first half of 2019, the share of foreign investors in the free-float of Russian companies amounted to 41.9% ($ 97.5 billion). Over the year, the indicator decreased by 3.1 percentage points. As a result of the decline in the share of foreign investors, their influence on the Russian market has also decreased, as well as the dependence of the market on external factors, ”Ovanes Oganisian notes. Over the three years of the sanctions, the share of foreign investors in free-float has decreased to 57% ($ 108.3 billion), MidLincoln analyst Ovanes Oganisian estimated in June 2017. ... As a result of the increased flight of international investors, their share in the free-float of Russian companies in the first half of 2018 fell below the control. According to Mr. Oganisian, at the end of the reporting period free-floating shares were worth $ 215 billion, of which only 45% belonged to foreign investors. Fund outflow total 238mln$ from Russian funds in the week of May 18-May 25 Rusal, Surgut and Poluyus likely affected Oganisian says Precious metals sector leaders hosted in Moscow to discuss lucrative sector opportunities Oil and gas - 49%, Financials 24% .. according to Midlincoln According to MidLincoln foreign investors still hold over 50% of free float in Russia Ovanes Oganisian speaks at Comercial Real Estate Conference in Moscow This is an indirect way of providing some financial aid to PDVSA, according to Ovanes Oganisian, a strategist at MidLincoln Research Ruble is likely to fall against the dollar Ovanes Oganisian from MidLincoln Research elected to new RTS Index Board - 정크본드 등급으로 강등될 경우 자금조달 비용이 평균 20% 증가(JP Morgan)하며 특히 러시아 은행의 경우 레버리지율이 높고 부실채권 수준이 점차 증가하고 있어 투자부적격 등급을 받을 경우 타격이 클 것 Снижая курс юаня, Народный Банк Китая, возможно, заставит ФРС отложить повышение ставки, полагают эксперты. Они отмечают, что решение Центробанка Китая о снижении курса юаня не окажет заметного влияния на экономику РФ. 中国人民银行授权中国外汇交易中心公布,2015年12月14日银行间外汇市场人民币汇率中间价为1美元对人民币6.4495元。 FinBuzz IR Cocktail and Launch Party Report Investors are being encouraged to take a fresh look at Russian state-owned companies with the launch of ... Gosplan Index Onthelist and E-xecutive organise a meeting for Moscow financiers and select clients to discuss strategies Mongolia funds spent is populist sais Ovanes Oganisian MidLincoln Research, provider of investment research and services announced that a private investor from Baltics Vladimiris Rimasevskis acquired a minority stake in a company. Mr. Rimasevskis, a veteran investor Incident with Remes helps to cement Russia isolation which is already full speed anyway. Some analysts argued that Putin might even gain support following the murder. Amid worries about an anti-Russia conspiracy, Putin could be seen "a consolidating, center political figure and an adequate compromise for both left and right," Ovanes Oganisyan, a strategist at MidLincoln Research, wrote in a research note. No Changes expected.. But 10-40 index might see the switch between Magnit and Norilsk L’autre risque concerne une baisse supplémentaire des cours du pétrole, qui «pourrait conduire à une panique bancaire», selon l’expert financier Ovanes Oganisian, stratège chez Midlincoln. Бывший кредитный аналитик Goldman Sachs Group Inc Павел Мамай и бывший трейдер «Ренессанс капитал» Антон Завьялов запускают хедж-фонд на $130 миллионов для скупки активов, подешевевших на фоне ухудшения экономической ситуации ....по данным MidLincoln Research, 22-26 декабря впервые за шесть недель получили приток средств в $177,7 миллионов. Из них на Россию, в которую деньги поступали уже вторую неделю подряд, пришлось $10 миллионов. Ovanes Oganisyan, a strategist at investment consultancy firm MidLincoln Research, said that protests are were still likely – despite the suspended sentence. Navalny is also expected to be very “energetic and aggressive” in pursuing freedom for his brother. "Unfortunately it looks like nationalisation of Yukos went in favor of Putin’s state oligarchs who were primary beneficiaries of the whole process," write analysts at Midlincoln Research. "While now the taxpayers are supposed to pay the state debt associated with Yukos." Would CBR increase the rate, pressure on ruble would be less Ovanes Oganisian is the initial guest of the IT Invest TV will talk about oil price The worst thing that could happen for a bank in this situation is for their credit rating to be downgraded below investment grade, effectively cutting off their access to financing,” says Ovanes Oganisyan, an analyst at the MidLincoln Research investment strategy consulting firm in Moscow. Alibaba rings a bell as biggest IPO is a service company and comes from a country which used to be world's workshop Od dziś wchodzą w życie pierwsze sankcje Unii Europejskiej, wymierzone w całe sektory rosyjskiej gospodarki. Unia zdecydowała się na ten krok, by powstrzymać Moskwę od wspierania prorosyjskich rebeliantów na Ukrainie. Как отметил стратег Midlincoln Research Ованес Оганесян, это стандартная процедура при корпоративном действии, однако санкции могут сделать ее не совсем обычной. Кроме того, он отметил, что если бы не было корпоративного действия, то, возможно, MSCI и не проводила бы никаких консультаций Russia is much more succeptible in financial sector than in the oil and gas sector Bloomberg Interviewed Ovanes Oganisian on sanctiones Russian market moves closer to resemble market in Kazakhstan where infrustructure is great but liquidity is poor and market is heavily concenrated in just a few names Poroshenko's election victory is "quite positive for the Ukrainian investment case," according to Ovanes Oganisyan, a strategist at MidLincoln Research in Moscow. "In Russian bonds there was a move already, but Russia will also be in a much better spot. There is reason to be slightly more optimistic." According O.Oganesyan, Russia's weight in the index MSCI EM may be even lower - 4.7%. "As the Russian economy as a whole, the stock market there are structural problems. Large companies set too high a bar for inclusion in the index of other Russian companies, so many issuers officials simply have no chance to get into the base for the calculation of indices MSCI. Moscow Midlincoln Institute strategist Ovanes Oganisian on Bloomberg told reporters that "at the moment this time, only Putin's most loyal partner in the St. Petersburg forum will show up, they will pretend to Ukraine incident behind, but the truth is Russia's position in the emerging markets already are not as important. " Furthermore, according to Midlincoln Research Ovanes Oganisian, whats coming to a fund is a way to recapitalise the fund in the environment of higher revoking licensing frequency rates. Unfortunately some of The Moscow Times articles may be not available currently, please visit at an other time Also on in Russian Forbes in Russian language The stock market is all about information. Information and news are intangible things, like gases, in the air or space around us, mixing with other gases, changing their pressure and spread. Therefore, I posit that you need to know the laws that govern gases to invest successfully. Using the laws of thermodynamics, for example, you can see how the increased pressure from an increased positive news flow drives the stock price up. |