
About Midlincoln Startup Studio

Midlincoln Startup Studio is an idea that one day folks will be able to produce themselves stuff that they need and that other people might need that technology will be simple and accessible. There will be little need for large fabs and industrial sights. They will be able themselves provide and receive services with an aid of technology and without too much hassle. That is a utopia now. But to get there we set up a startup studio which is an environment to experiment and learn. The focus is on information and knowledge, which is also a form of information. Rarely somebody works better with information than investment analysts, but most of the time they miss technology skills and DIY skills there is a gap there. Investment analysts know about ideas behind different companies, they know about their strengths and weaknesses, but they are 100 miles away from mimesisising (mimesis, we like this term) on the same strategies as the companies they analyse even on the DIY scale not to say about small scale. Our startup studio is aiming to close this gap. Meanwhile to meet our ends we act in the space of PE and VC consulting, investor relations, product development and byuout ideas. We try to make ourselves useful to startups and other companies in anyway we can.

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Midlincoln Startup Studio Verticals

Developed Markets, Emerging Markets, Frontier

Recent Startup Studio Reports